
Tips On Remaking Your Custom Catalogs

Updating your custom catalogs is a good business practice especially when you see that your sales figures are going down. It is always a must to be dynamic and remake your approach especially if you came from cheap catalog printing from last time. This will show your customers a new and fresh face for your custom catalogs, completely remaking your image from the cheap one earlier.There are five ways that you can follow to remake the image of your custom catalogs. They are:1. Use an entirely different color scheme One of the best ways to remake your catalog is to do a total “make over” of the color scheme. From bright and vivid colors why Iphone 4s Belt Clip not use a washed out or pastel colors? Or from cheap catalog printing in black and white, go ahead and use nice full color pictures and paper. With the changed colors, your customers will totally think of your catalogs as a new one, encouraging them to see what new products and services that they can avail of.2. Look for fresh new layouts and templates A new layout or new template is also in order when you want to remake your custom catalogs. Though that old layout may have been the fast and efficient way to display your products, it might be a good idea to change it so that the catalog looks new and even better. Who knows, you might even find a new and exciting way to display your products. For example, besides using the standard “grid format” why not try emphasizing other products with bigger image led light bulbs boxes? You can also attempt to have a collage picture where all your products are displayed in a natural pattern. More or less just try to get a layout that is new and engaging to readers.3. Hire a different product photographer Next, your images itself might benefit from a revamp of their shots and the angles. In your remake version of your custom catalog, you might want to hire a different photographer from the one who shot your catalog images before. This should get you a nice and different perspective for the product images, giving you a whole new look.4. Change the tone of your catalog content You text itself might also be a good target for a change. If you used the cheerful marketing tone on the last catalog, you might want to change it a bit so that it sounds different. You might try a more respectful approach with a “sir” and “ma'am” here and there, or you can go for a more youthful style with “cools” and “awesomes” interspersed. Just try to match your tone with your possible market demographics so that they can be really effective. The tone of the text can be important since it determines how people react initially with your message.5. Print in higher quality materials Lastly, if the budget is “willing” try always to print in higher quality if you can. An upgrade remake to better quality custom catalogs can make your catalogs and product line up more interesting and impressive. Also, high quality catalogs will always imply high quality products as well. So it will benefit your products if you print this time in high quality. This is a good way to ensure that your products will gain attention on the this next catalog printing run.Those are the five great ways to remake and update your catalogs. These steps should make them look new and fresh eliminating any past bad reputations and establishing new opportunities for sales in the future. So always remake your custom catalogs when you can to keep them competitive and looking new.

